Some Crucial Principles of Conversion Content Promotion

September 17 2013

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The two facets that a content writer can exploit are the value of content marketing and the strength of conversion optimization. These two can create a powerful combo to take a significant place in digital marketing. The purpose of the strategy is simple, which is to develop useful write-up that is entertaining as well. This write-up has to be targeted towards a particular niche, not meant for aggressive business promotion but for developing rapport with prospective customers and promoting brand equity.

Effective content promotion goes a long way in influencing prospective customers. It tells them about the fresh opportunities and ideas that ultimately nudge them into buying products or services from you. You should, however, know that content marketing does not reap immediate results; instead, it is more like sowing seeds that are to be harvested later.

Content conversion, on the other hand, has always focused on much shorter time limit, aiming for instant conversion. A visitor should typically get converted to get the value that has been promised by the landing page. The page may have different variations that are tried using A/B and other tests to determine the highest conversion rate.

To put it much simply and briefly, if write-up promotion is a love affair, the traditional landing page optimization is more of a pick-up line.

Content conversion marketing: The modern trend

Pick-up lines have a small issue; they can be annoying when used indiscriminately. As a result, prospects often refuse to be picked up. Instead, they want to have a chat, get to know you, be wooed first.

Most write-up promotion tools like blogs, on the other hand, are like silent admirers who are seldom brave enough to approach the love interest. The prospect might have responded if approached but once the scoring moment passes, the attention is darted elsewhere.

So you see it is difficult for things to work with write-up marketing only. Instead, it is much more prudent to go for conversion content marketing.

The modern trend leads to principles like:

Conversion must be optional
Write-up promotion works best when users get something in return of nothing but their time and attention. And you need to utilize this time and attention to build a rapport with them.

You can do it allowing your visitors to download a whitepaper without filling a form or watch a webinar without registering. In short, give them something sumptuous to consume free of cost.

Testing should be compulsory
Testing is an absolute necessity in case of conversion optimization because testing enhances performance, making you aware of what works and what not. When it comes to conversion write-up promotion, content development and test form a 60:40 ratio. So, though testing needs measurement for improvement, conversion rate is still an important evaluator, even if conversion is not mandatory.

Format is flexible
Keeping a flexible format in the landing pages can lead to an interesting write-up experience, and also make a huge write-up consumable. It is a modern avatar of micro-site which is not flashy but search engine optimized and contains HTML technology.

Scale is vertical
This means you develop content conversion marketing continually addressing new issues, niches, applications, verticals etc., where your expertise as a content writer and marketer can deliver value that gradually leads your viewers to your services and products.
So, it is time content optimizers and marketers work hand in hand to produce effective results.

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