How to make your writing a powerful marketing tool

March 09 2011

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Some writings get more attention than others and prove to be more powerful. Certainly, these pieces of write up must have some qualities that give them a cut above the rest. Besides, you have been taken aback at times to find that some run-of-the-mill copies get huge popularity and tweet.

But if you judge them by the hind side and evaluate from the perspective of presentation instead of content writing status, you will realize these have a value and they are headstrong at making an assault at the right corner of the reader’s thought and acts as powerful marketing tool. Even vile things get away with a few readers. The determining factor is how you shape your writing and what attitude it has. If you are consistently inconsistent at your copy, readers will appreciate your consistency at a certain stage.

If you like listening to raps, you might have heard the aural awes of Eminem that works more as a therapy session and bogs you down by rhyming words that should not rhyme otherwise. This is the result of utmost care for making things that are unique in nature. Now some principles (which the rapper uses perhaps but I cannot vouch) can catapult your writing as well. Focus on the following aspects.

Read voraciously and write: Having a good hold over grammar and construction are not enough. You need to sand the rough edges of your writing over and again till your furious effort comes to fruition. Try to incorporate the best practices of established writers by imitating them with a certain aloofness. But make sure that the final brew is distinctively yours. A piece of writing cannot be powerful if it ignores the best practices prevalent.

Be a cruel editor: You have to be fastidious at editing your own stuff. Those pieces of writing which commands our attention are most powerful in form. They come with tight arguments. In course of your editing, you must remember what your priority is. In order to achieve integrity in form, if you might need to sacrifice a few of your chosen phrase, go for it.

Another important criterion of a tight form is interconnectedness between paragraphs. Make sure that no paragraph comes abruptly without any relation whatsoever. One argument should unpretentiously melts into the following.

Write a real life thing: A powerful article or post never corresponds to a muggy and bookish loyalty to reading. To avoid the possibility of such mess, pepper your writing with anecdotes, emotions, observations etc. These elements will automatically embody the provenance of your writing. Make readers feel you are sharing something original. Readers appreciate articles that are novel, unmatched.

Use simple vocabulary: Do not force a reader to have dictionary under his arm to go through the horror you have penned down. Make strong arguments to engage the readers but do not tease them your ostentatious pedantry at the language level. Roll out the argument in the first few lines of the intro and draw a lucid conclusion at the end. What rests in between must be table talk, not a harangue.

Such a piece of writing will engage a reader. But strangely enough the readers won’t be able to unearth the strategy you have used. They like it because your writing has certain qualities that have appealed them.

Readers like it because the writing is credible. You are powerful and confident of what you are telling. The real life touch is a de facto in the acceptability of the writing. The compelling argumentative structure makes it apparent that your thoughts are unique.

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