3 Things you need in a Good Press Release Writer

November 07 2012

In this era of cut-throat competition it is important to highlight a company’s product or performance in a matter-of-fact manner without making it appear like a boring marketing effort. A good press release is an appropriate way of giving exposure to your product or service and makes your company stand out among competitors. It must be remembered that press release is not publicity material and could only be done by well-trained content writers. Finding an experienced press release writer is not an easy task considering the limitations and exposure one needs. This is one of the most specialised form of content writing done best by experienced professionals. To make things simpler, a press release writer needs to be objective, create newsworthy articles, and be capable of proper formatting.

Objectivity – A writer needs to be objective in his writing style while creating press releases. There is no scope for discussing irrelevant points and every sentence should be meaningful. At no point of time it should appear that the article is meant for publicity. Content should be specific without appearing partisan or biased.

Normally, for an untrained writer this could be a difficult exercise as sentence construction could become superfluous, or statements appearing partial. It is also possible that the content appears more as a marketing material rather than a serious press release. Use of words and phrases, and sentence construction should appear formal and informative. This is a critical task and needs considerable experience.

Newsworthy – Unlike an article of blog, a press release must always be newsworthy. It should contain a message that is worthwhile and of importance to readers. The matter need to contain details that make a product or service really worthy. While writing about special aspects about a company or its commodities a writer must never seem influenced, but rather appear making statements in an unbiased fashion. While reading through this release a reader should be able to gain insight about the company or product concerned.

Use of facts and figures adds to newsworthiness of a press release and should be used judiciously. Of different figures and facts available only the relevant are to be used. This requires proper understanding of the subject being addressed and readers concerned.

Formatting – This is a crucial aspect of press releases. The entire content is to be written is a particular way. Unlike other writings, this form has a distinctive way of layout. There is always a summary at the beginning, followed by the highlighting aspects of product or service under consideration. The press’s observation follows subsequently, with a brief description about the company at the end. A release always contains unbiased opinion of the press an how a product or service being written about contributes to society at large.

This format is to be maintained in content writing of press releases. Any deviation from this style is never acceptable as a release and is summarily rejected. Years of training and professional expertise are the basic requirements for becoming a successful press release writer.

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